The Strengths of the Ontact Protocol

Modern individuals are consumers who appreciate the convenience of IoT devices, and are also producers who produce the most data through IoT devices. We believe that ownership of this data should be with the producers of that data, not with any specific centralized company.

Participants of the Ontact Protocol can decide whether to provide data or not according to the service provider and purpose of use for the data they produce through DIA and DPS systems. Data through DIA and DPS is pure and high-quality data without external hacking or manipulation. Based on this data, companies can be carried out accurate and innovative data analysis never before. Through this, companies can maximize the efficiency of their services and management.

When a Web 3.0-based data trading ecosystem is established, users who enjoy products and services will be able to receive reasonable compensation from various demands for their data by producing and providing more data. Users will produce and provide more accurate and valuable data for more rewards, and through this, the data ecosystem will gradually evolve into the most ideal Web 3.0 form of the data ecosystem.

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